December 09, 2024
Like all Americans, I spent the summer and fall in a state of uncertainty about the outcome of the 2024 election. And now we know the result. What does this mean? There are plausible scenarios in which changes at the Federal level produce modest impacts for the work we do, with greater emphasis on some areas and not others. There is also potential for national and international transformations. At this stage, we still cannot predict precisely what conflicts and challenges lie ahead.
What we do know is that CBI’s mission is as important as it ever was as a non-partisan organization dedicated to advancing collaboration. In an era of intensifying polarization, CBI offers an alternative approach to winner-takes-all decision-making—tailored collaboration processes that seek durable solutions responsive to the most important interests of all stakeholders. As Americans feel increasingly alienated from the institutions that affect their lives, our intent is to design and facilitate processes that give many different interests a meaningful seat at the table. And as communication silos and trust continue to erode, our approaches—joint fact-finding, informed deliberation, and cross-sector collaboration—are increasingly vital.
In short, with our exceptional team and a culture of flexible thinking, CBI is as prepared as possible to embrace the uncertainties of this moment. We remain steadfast in our mission and resilient in our operations—ready to lead, adapt, and deliver in these complex times.