Director, Latin America Practice and Senior Mediator
David Plumb is a mediator, facilitator, trainer, and researcher with experience managing complex development and public policy issues in a variety of environments, including the United States, Nigeria’s Niger Delta, and Chile. Based in Portland, Maine, David is CBI’s Director for Latin America and also co-leads the organization’s Corporate Community Engagement practice. Prior to CBI, he directed the Sustainable Business Practice at Search for Common Ground. He also spent eight years working as a financial journalist and correspondent, mostly for Bloomberg News.
A primary focus of David’s work is assisting communities, companies, and authorities to interact more constructively and engage in productive dialogue. He designs and facilitates multi-stakeholder processes that can provide a credible space for addressing historical grievances and mistrust, as well as exploring creative solutions for the future. David also designs and implements participatory processes that give citizens and key stakeholders an active voice in making smarter policy decisions, assisting governments to develop new public policies with wider public support. He has particular expertise in energy, environment, and international development issues. In addition, David has assisted NGOs and industry groups to negotiate environmental and social standards for key commodities such as farmed fish. As a trainer, David has worked with community-based organizations to strengthen their capacity to engage in dialogue, with government regulators who need assistance in managing complex public participation processes, and with multinational corporations needed to improve globally their community relations and social performance.
The following is a partial list of clients:
International Organizations
US Public Entities
Chilean Public Entities
Nonprofit Organizations
David Plumb holds a Master’s in Public Administration from Harvard University’s Kennedy School of Government and graduated from Princeton University with a B.A. in Politics and Latin American Studies. He also studied at Chile’s Catholic University with a Fulbright Scholarship.